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The Central Coast city is a triple threat of surfing waves, 美味的食物, 和 access to an incredible national park
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的城市 文图拉 在很多方面都处于边缘. 一方面, it neighbors the urban buzz of Los Angeles County, but it also marks the beginning of the Central Coast’s lush farm 和 wine country. Its heart, though, lounges along the biggest edge—the Pacific Ocean.


This is one stretch of the California coastline where the famed Highway 1 和 U.S. Highway 101 are one in the same: The road runs through the city’s central Midtown 和 College Area neighborhoods, 但很快接近海滩. 冲浪者的观点 is the best local spot to catch a wave (or watch the experts do it); for lounging 和 body surfing you have plenty of s和y options, 从旁边的海滩 文图拉码头 到…的广阔地带 港湾泳滩.

市中心的文图拉 也在沙滩旁边吗. The city center is home to shops, 餐厅, 和 任务的合资伙伴建于1782年. The mission is how the “city of good fortune” got its name—with an assist from the Southern Pacific Railroad, which abbreviated San Buenaventura to just 文图拉 in the late 1800s. 探索任务 历史公园, then walk the palm-tree-lined downtown streets for some shopping. Pick up a few pieces of beach-meets-open-road culture at 提基女孩 然后检查一下 铁和树脂, which appeals to both surfers 和 motorcycle enthusiasts. 如果你是极限运动的爱好者, you might want to time your visit to coincide with a hugely popular annual event that will be in 文图拉 in July 21­–23: 2023年极限运动会. 作为第一个全尺寸的, in-person staging of the competition since the Covid-19 shutdown, it’s sure to be one of the more intense weekends the city sees this year.

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The town’s dining scene spans different generations 和 influences. Downtown, enjoy Americana on a plate at classic red-vinyl-booth diner 忙碌的蜜蜂咖啡馆, or try cutting-edge Central American cuisine at gastro-bar 野鱼酒. 你也可以在 当地的啤酒厂 如 阿纳卡帕酿酒公司 和 托帕托帕酿酒公司. Head to the Westside neighborhood for authentic Mexican cuisine along 文图拉 Ave. (aka “The Avenue”) at 餐厅 如 El Jarocho 和 位置,看得我目瞪口呆Tepatitlan. 当你在那里, 注意玉米饼平原的壁画, depicting the Mexican-American community that thrived here before 高速公路 20世纪50年代出现(然后退房 更多公共艺术 在镇).

Getting There 和 Where to Stay in 文图拉

文图拉 is an easy hour-和-a-half drive from downtown Los Angeles, 和 宽松的 最近的主要机场是哪里. But you don’t necessarily need a car to visit—another option is to take the train (get tips on how to enjoy a 去文图拉的无车之旅). Once you’re there, along with a lot of familiar hotel br和s, 文图拉的住宿选择 包括豪华露营地 路标文图拉, filled with vintage airstream trailers, 和 the quirky 贝拉·马焦雷酒店, rumored to have a resident ghost named Sylvia on staff.


想要更多的海边乐趣,请前往 文图拉港, on the southern end of the city, which offers two levels of appeal. 文图拉港村 有商店, 餐厅, 和 family-friendly diversions 如 a carousel, pedal boats (including some that resemble 天鹅,鸭子和龙), 和 kayaks for rent (this is also the site of annual pirate 和 mermaid 节日). Even if an overnight stay isn’t an option for you, it all makes for a perfect 为期一天的度假 目的地. Or make the Harbor your launching pad for 海峡群岛国家公园 通过探索公园的 游客中心,总部设在这里. 计划一天的旅行 to the five-isl和 archipelago or rent gear for an adventure right off the mainl和.

更有心情放松一下? 去 圣布埃纳文图拉州立海滩, where you can get a fresh-seafood picnic from acclaimed food truck 快乐的牡蛎,尽情欣赏日落美景.



    吃饭的地方 & 喝



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