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从星光大道到时髦的餐厅和钢琴酒吧, there’s plenty to experience in this star-studded 洛杉矶 neighborhood
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长久以来,好莱坞一直是一个奇迹发生的地方. 男女演员迅速成为明星. Major studios have produced some of the most celebrated motion pictures in cinematic history. Ornate movie palaces have been built等等 than a century later, some still st和. 1923年的一则房地产广告 好莱坞标志已成为加州最著名的地标之一.

Fueled by an explosive growth of creativity 和 star power at the turn of the 20th century, 好莱坞已成为演艺界的代名词. 今天,这个城市的小社区 洛杉矶 is larger than life with an electric energy that extends across a main drag lined with 剧院s, 酒吧, 博物馆, 还有等待探索的餐厅.


看着太阳从远处升起 好莱坞标志 在一个清晨的徒步旅行中 鲁尼恩峡谷. 的re are two entrances just north of 好莱坞大道 leading to scenic overlooks where you can enjoy views of the neighborhood 和 洛杉矶市中心也许还能看到名人. 

要探索当地的另一个地标,请访问 好莱坞永恒公墓, where Douglas Fairbanks, Judy Garl和, Jayne Mansfield 和 other 好莱坞 stars are buried. Weekly guided tours pay respects to the cemetery’s most famous residents. For an excursion highlighting present-day A-listers, go celeb-spotting with Starline旅游, which also offers hop-on, hop-off rides on a double-decker bus.  

更多星光熠熠的景点可以在 好莱坞大道 在好莱坞的中心. 沿着1.绵延3英里 好莱坞星光大道 功能2,765 stars bearing the names of industry lu最小值aries in motion pictures, 电视, 广播, 记录, 剧院, 和体育. 在附近 杜莎夫人蜡像馆, you can marvel at more than 100 wax likenesses of celebrities including Harry Styles, 布拉德•皮特, Lady Gaga, 还有其他著名的名字.

That’s only the beginning of 好莱坞’s outside-the-box attractions, 其中包括适合家庭的选择,比如 吉尼斯世界纪录博物馆信不信由你! Housed in the historic Max Factor building built in 1928, the 好莱坞博物馆 has a 10,000-piece collection of memorabilia spanning more than 100 years of filmmaking history. Don’t skip the horror-themed basement featuring a replica of Hannibal Lecter’s cell.


L的体验部分.A. 历史与参观 好莱坞露天剧场. 1922年开业, the entertainment venue has set the stage for magical moments in music, 包括门乐队1968年专辑的录音 在好莱坞露天剧场现场直播. 的 worlds of film 和 music collide during the summertime cinematic concert experiences powered by the 洛杉矶爱乐乐团好莱坞露天剧场管弦乐队

Film buffs will also love catching a flick at one of the historic movie palaces on the 星光大道. 追溯到20世纪20年代 埃及剧院, TCL中国剧院, 酋长剧院 all provide an experience at the crossroads of past 和 present, 与现代字幕播放在一个迷人的, 老好莱坞背景. 如果你想向百老汇问好,那 wikimedia基金会的发言人moka Pantages剧院 down the road has razzle-dazzled crowds with live entertainment since its days as a vaudeville stage in the 1930s. 

You can’t call your 好莱坞 getaway complete without being part of a 现场电视观众. 吉米·坎摩尔直播! films right on 好莱坞大道 at the El Capitan 娱乐 Centre, with 免费的票 向公众开放,先到先得. You can also get a behind-the-scenes look at the entertainment industry on the Paramount Pictures 工作室参观. 引导, two-hour jaunt through a working studio includes visits to soundstages, 道具仓库, 还有一个外景场地,可以充当纽约的街道. 


的re’s food for every mood in 好莱坞, from the high-end steakhouse 格温 到60年代的灵感 克拉克街餐厅,如 全职浪子, Gilmore女孩, 随行人员等等. 她是一线明星的最爱, 马苏之后 & 弗兰克烧烤 serves up its famous stirred martinis in a setting nearly unchanged since its opening in 1919. 好莱坞 is also home to hidden gems scattered across Little Armenia, 你在哪里可以找到坐下来吃饭的地方 旋转木马,新鲜的肉馅点心(或börek) Taron面包店,或者随便拿着吃的 Sahag的Basturma三明治店沙拉三明治Arax

为了更时尚地了解好莱坞的烹饪场景, 大师录音机 provides a three-in-one experience housed in a 记录 studio where Stevie Wonder 和 the Red Hot Chili Peppers have laid down tracks. A menu of modern 意大利 和 澳大利亚n cuisine is served in the 餐厅 上方 71工作室酒吧这是一个提供手工鸡尾酒和迪斯科球的休息室. 的 屋顶 is a lively spot for some late-night revelry—but come before sunset to catch a glimpse of the 好莱坞标志.

整夜跳舞 邮票奶奶店, a piano bar slinging cheekily named cocktails like Two in the Pink 和 法国 69. 共有的 《bbin游戏官网》美国犯罪故事 演员达伦·克里斯, the bar features singing pianists perfor最小值g everything from musical 剧院 和 Disney tunes to rock ‘n’ roll classics. 流浪汉邮票奶奶店带来了魅力, 戴维·韦恩家的好时光 is its kitschy, laid-back counterpart just a few blocks east. 冰箱门作为一个时间门户到20世纪70年代的家庭聚会, 完成游戏, 霓虹灯, 还有从Airstream拖车里提供的饮料.


Sleep where the stars stayed 和 played during 好莱坞’s Golden Age. Favored by 好莱坞 elite including Marilyn Monroe 和 Charlie Chaplin, the 罗斯福酒店 oozes vintage glamour in accommodations like the 3,200-square-foot Gable & 伦巴第阁楼套房,带私人屋顶露台. 还有一个水疗中心, a Prohibition-style cocktail lounge outfitted with a bowling alley, the 1960s-style Tropicana Pool featuring a mural painted by British artist David Hockney. 

家庭会喜欢 魔法城堡酒店 在城镇的边缘. One- 和 two-bedroom suites are spacious enough for up to six people, kid-friendly amenities include free snacks 24 hours a day 和 a poolside popsicle hotline. 额外奖励:在这里住宿包括会员通行证 魔法城堡一个梦寐以求的近距离观看魔术的邀请, 小把戏, gr和 illusionists inside the Victorian mansion next door. 




