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Get outdoors and explore the city that country legend Johnny Cash helped make famous
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On the shores of its namesake lake, the historic Gold Country city of 福尔松的 is both a haven for outdoor recreation and a place of pilgrimage for music fans.


福尔松的 was founded in 1849 and there’s a local saying that this is “the place where the West came and stayed.” That’s especially true in downtown’s 福尔松历史区, where you’ll learn about the area’s gold 最小值ing and Native American past 在 福尔松历史博物馆. To explore the walkable downtown on foot (and get some added insight from a native Californian), VoiceMap offers a one-and-a-half-mile self-guided 音频之旅 that you can pull up on your phone. Fans of live performance—from orchestras and rock shows to comedy—will find a full calendar of such happenings 在 哈里斯中心,校园里的一个场所 福尔索姆湖学院.

Train buffs will love exa最小值ing the 福尔松的转盘, the reconstruction of the locomotive-turning structure that operated in town starting in 1867, 在 福尔瑟姆铁路博物馆. 关于 a mile from the museum, climb aboard the steam-powered 福尔松谷铁路, a 最小值iature railroad that runs near the 福尔瑟姆城市动物园保护区. The zoo is home to rescued animals—including bears, 狼, and mountain lions—that couldn’t survive if released into the wild.

The 福尔松历史区 is also a great place for dining, whether you’re in the mood for an impeccably prepared ribeye 在 萨特街牛排馆 or a California craft beer and a “Johnny Cash,” the bestselling burger 在 gastropub 塞缪尔·霍恩酒馆. For a sophisticated speakeasy experience, drop by 的幕后. 坐落在 煤气灯有限公司. 工艺条 & 厨房 (itself a great destination), the M.O. here is for guests to not only enjoy the ambience and drinks but to gain knowledge about the crafting and history of the spirits served as well. 在福尔瑟姆, whiskey fans take note: You’ll be able to choose from a wide selection of your vice of choice here.


Easily accessible from town, the 19,500-acre 福尔松的 Lake State Recreation Area in the Sierra Nevada foothills offers endless biking, hiking, fishing, and boating experiences. The recreation area has 75 miles of shoreline, with campgrounds and picnic areas along the water, 还有95英里的小径, 包括达灵顿步道, 一条很受欢迎的山地自行车路线. For a longer outing, you can ride the 美国河上自行车道 (also known as the Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail) for 32 miles from the lake all the way to 老国王.

美国湖, the recreation area’s smaller body of water, is the place to go for non-motorized boating, 比如皮划艇和独木舟. A paved bike path follows the shoreline, while 福尔松的 Powerhouse State Historic Park overlooks the lake from atop a bluff. Take a tour to see the 1895 generating facility, one of the world’s oldest hydroelectric plants.

Many music fans first became aware of 福尔松的 after hearing Cash’s 1956 classic, 福尔索姆监狱蓝调. (Cash also played a pair of legendary 1968 concerts for the inmates 在 still-operational penal complex.) On the prison grounds, open to visitors, the 福尔松监狱博物馆 commemorates Cash’s legacy and preserves artifacts from the notorious penitentiary. You’ll definitely want to check out the remarkable Ferris wheel that an inmate assembled from toothpicks.

福尔松的 also honors the “Man in Black” along the nearly three-mile 约翰尼·卡什线索. Bicyclists and walkers cross a pair of bridges (including one inspired by the prison’s Gothic architecture) as they follow this scenic pathway that runs from the historic district and connects into 福尔松的’s extensive trail network.




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